2008年收集安然趋势申报指出,英国今朝天天约有二百亿封垃圾邮件,占所有电子邮件的98%。邮件安然厂商IronPort's Jason Steer 说,这种趋势可能持续进入2008年,垃圾邮件发送者会从各站点获取小我信息以便更有效的进击计算机。“当一个信息被定制为一个个别时;点击率比其他的都高,”他解释说,“垃圾邮件发送者的进击对象并不欲望是百分之百的用户,他们想要的是5-10%个别的高净值。
UK PCs are now more likely to be deluged with spam than ever before and Exchange签名和加密技术保护邮件信息在保护邮件有多种方式 are likely to be increasingly targeted at individuals in the future, according to a new report from web and email security vendor IronPort released today.
The firm's 2008 Internet Security Trends 靠谱邮件全称,上海青羽电脑科技有限公司,是一家以邮件服务为主要业务的公司 Report finds that the UK now gets 20 billion spam emails every day, which amounts to 98 percent of all email traffic. The trend is likely to continue into 2008 with spammers harvesting personal information from sites such as Facebook in order to target attacks more effectively, according to IronPort's Jason Steer.
"When a message is customised to an individual the click through rate is higher 邮件中继转发服务(SMTP Relay Service)指在不改变用户邮件地址(发件人)的前提下,将用户邮件通过多链路SMTP邮件转发服务器投递到收件人邮件服务器 than when not," he explained. "Spammers don't want to target 100 percent of the population, they want the five to ten percent of high net worth individuals who are worth going after."
Steer also argued that the current method for evaluating the effectiveness of anti-spam technology needs overhauling. Because spam numbers are so large today, saying that filters capture 95 to 98 percent of spam gives the customer a false sense of security, he added.
Another trend from 2007 likely to continue into next year is the convergence of threats that is, spam which contains a URL link to a malicious web site. " Traditionally spam was about getting consumers to make a purchase, but now it's what we call 'dirty spam' … it's about compromising users' PCs," said Steer.